Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Sharp Brains Ltd Terbaru di Medan

Info Loker Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician
Tanggal 11 Juni 2024
Perusahaan Sharp Brains Ltd
Kota Medan

Info Terbaru Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 di Sharp Brains Ltd. Salam Sukses untuk agan yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Semoga tidak menyerah untuk mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan impian Anda. Memang kadang mencari pekerjaan yang cocok sangatlah tidak mudah di tahun 2025 ini. Pada kesempatan ini admin akan memberikan informasi Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 di Sharp Brains Ltd. Berikut ini info lebih lengkap mengenai Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 Sharp Brains Ltd.

Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 Sharp Brains Ltd

Berikut ini adalah kriteria yang harus Anda penuhi untuk memenuhi Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 Sharp Brains Ltd yang dibuka pada bulan Maret 2025 ini:

Job Responsibilities: OTDR, LSPM, BER, OSA (Optical Spectrum Analysis) & other fiber testing/cleaningtools (testing, configuration, reporting), provisioning, install cables or optics for newcircuits. physical cabling, cable management, northbound cabling, (Fiber/Copper/Power). Support network and server teams by assisting with rack and stack and running cables.Planned/Predictive maintenance or circuit migration support. Labelling, patching, and asset tagging activities, perform installation as needed eitherthrough physical or network medium. Follow specific task instructions and provision necessary reporting as necessary andsupport either through phone, remote tools, or in person at onsite. Conduct failure analysis, perform functional testing of entire system/Identify failedComponent, planned maintenance or circuit migration support. Updating and recording of activities in relevant IT Ticket management system,coordinating and agreeing attendance time and date with key stakeholders.Break Fix/Technical Task List : Testing of fiber, high loss/break fiber Identification by OTDR/LSPM/VFL. Cleaningfibers, replace the faulty optical cable. Installing loop backs, Optical Spectrum Analysis,BER testing/MPO fiber testing etc. Inserting/removing media, replacing defective components, assist with fault diagnosisand investigation with RMA Processing. Configuring remote access, basic storage array configuration, replacing faulty cables. Rebooting routers, servers, storage devices or other equipment, tape management andMaintenance Providing loop-back cables to test circuits remotely, re-seating or replacing componentsor cables Power cycling, running diagnostics commands, conducting whole unit replacement.Deployment/In scope Configuration activities: Servers (virtual & physical), storage & backup devices, server/routers appliances. Hyper converged infrastructure, tape storage units. Power distribution units up to 3KVA, UPS, earthing system, HVAC, Network switches, SAN fabric switches, KVM Units, WAN optimization devices. Firewalls, access points, routers, physical cabling, cable management with remoteassistance to team. Site Survey, Site Inspection and Site audit services with site maintenance & vendor meetservices.Travel/Different Site coverage The selected candidate ,Ideally would be based out of one super POP location, which'llbe called as base location but can be changed in future based on the businessrequirements. There would be multiple sites to be supported Depending on the client's requirement, the selected candidate should be willing to traveland support The selected candidate should be willing to support 24x7, on business demand.Preferred Skillsets: Technical Experience: Proficient in CLI/Linus based interfaces. Able to apply basic configs to Servers and assistin troubleshooting and testing Fiber/Data/Copper cable installation, maintaining & Testing of both wired, wireless andFiber networks include working with MPO fibers. Infrastructure (Data center and network) hardware architecture as to understand theprocedure shared by L3 teams during troubleshooting, HS&E support. Knowledge of router/server/client operations in a domain environment including activedirectory. Understanding of current and legacy hardware Infrastructure platforms. Good understanding of IT principles such as networks, hardware. hands-on experience in installation and troubleshooting Infrastructure (DC & Network)equipment's, rack, and stack of the equipment/cable. Hands-on experience in IMAC and break-fix activities related to infrastructureenvironment. Ability to identify defective spares and replace them with provided good spares asinstructed and by physical observations. Knowledge of TCP/I P standards and networking. Experience with Tape managementactivities. Best practices control and monitoring of server infrastructure, familiarity with backupand recovery software and methodologies.Preferred Skill Set: Project Management Experience : Task queue management, governance (SLA/KPI management, problemEscalation/RCA/CAR), external vendor management. Customer facing skills, able to communicate clearly and effectively both with client andthe customer. Logical and analytical approach to work, accurate documentations. Independent working and manage team, as well as collaboration with team members. Intense focus on quality work, productive, proactive and efficient.Work Experience: Years - 5-8 years of Data center infrastructure, enterprise IT infrastructure or equivalent. Years - 3+ Years of experience in Server provisioning, troubleshooting and testing. Mustbe proficient in Linux/CLI interfaces. (HP, Dell, IBM) Years - 3+ Years of experience in fiber cabling, and testing of Optical fiber cable byOTDR, LSPM, and other fiber test tool, BER test, OSA(Optical Spectrum Analysis),Traffic detector, installation, configuration and troubleshooting of low-voltage electricalsystem “AC”)/(“DC”) power, ethernet cabling,Equivalent Qualifications: Education - BSc. degree in computer science or related field or equivalent associatedegree (A.A.) or equivalent from three-year college or technical school with an emphasisin electronics required, bachelor's Degree preferred. Certification - CCNA, Network+, CCNP, CCDP, CCIE or equivalent with fiber testingcertification. Tech certification - Knowledge of ITIL and experience of working within an ITILenvironment would be preferred. Language skills needed - English

Job Type: Part-time

Expected hours: 16 – 24 per week

Hanya pendaftar yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk melakukan interview. Untuk itu jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi calon karyawan Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 Sharp Brains Ltd di atas, silahkan kirimkan lamaran Anda sebelum lowongan expired.

Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 Sharp Brains Ltd yang dapat kami sampaikan. Semoga informasi lowongan kerja hari ini membantu Anda sekalian yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Jika Info lowongan kerja di atas tidak cocok dengan pendidikan Anda, tidak ada salahnya untuk membaca informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di bawah ini. Akhir kata kami ucapkan terima kasih sudah mengunjungi website ini, jangan lupa untuk membagikan info bermanfaat ini melalui twitter. Selamat mencari kerja dan berkarya!

Jika sahabat tertarik mengisi Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 Sharp Brains Ltd, segera siapkan persyaratan dan dokumen yang dipersyaratkan untuk mendaftar Lowongan Kerja Data Center Technician Medan Maret 2025 Sharp Brains Ltd tersebut. Silakan klik tombol "Kirim Lamaran" di bawah ini.

  Perhatian :

Cariloker tidak memungut bayaran atau pungutan apapun kepada pencari kerja melalu website kami ini. Apabila ada perusahaan yang anda temukan meminta anda untuk membayarkan sejumlah uang, segera hubungi kami. Begitu pula Lowongan kerja di atas mungkin saja sudah tidak valid atau kadaluarsa atau ditutup pendaftarannya. Untuk itu selalu lakukan cross check terlebih dahulu pada perusahaan terkait untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya lowongan kerja. Cek lokasi perusahaan untuk membantu menemukan alamat perusahaan.

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