Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Johnson Controls Terbaru di Surabaya

Info Loker Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based
Tanggal 19 Maret 2025
Perusahaan Johnson Controls
Kota Surabaya

Info Terbaru Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 di Johnson Controls. Selamat Sore buat kawan-kawan yang sedang berburu pekerjaan. Semoga tidak berhenti untuk mencari pekerjaan yang cocok dengan minat Anda. Memang terkadang mencari pekerjaan yang pas sangatlah tidak gampang di tahun 2025 ini. Pada kesempatan ini admin akan memberikan informasi Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 di Johnson Controls. Berikut ini informasi lebih detail mengenai Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 Johnson Controls.

Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 Johnson Controls

Berikut ini adalah kualifikasi yang harus Anda penuhi untuk melamar Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 Johnson Controls yang dibuka pada bulan Maret 2025 ini:

Who we are

Johnson Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning is a Global Air Conditioning Manufacturer, established in October 2015 as a Joint Venture of Johnson Controls International plc and Hitachi Appliances, Inc. (now Hitachi Global Life Solutions, Inc.). Johnson Controls-Hitachi is seeking a Global Head of Public Relations to enhance the organization's positioning in media worldwide. Our 15,000 employees create quality products, services and solutions for residential and commercial buildings throughout the world. We exceed customer expectations with the most diverse range of HVAC products in the world – from ductless solutions to chillers to HVAC room air conditioning systems, fueled by our industry-leading technology and innovation. #CareerwithAir

At Johnson Controls–Hitachi we are transforming our DNA to embrace a high performance, agile and innovative culture. In order to be the #1 Premium Japanese HVAC Technology Provider, we are focused on World Class Product Excellence, Digitally Transforming to be accessible to Customers online 24x7, Easy to do Business with for our Channel Partners & being a Premium Brand at every touchpoint in the Customer Journey.

What you will do:

As Sales Engineer, you will be responsible to achieve the forecasted sales target and profit margin and ensure timely collection of payment, sell products through channel partners, provide quotation to all customers, and provide customer service to contractors, consultants, and end-users in order to maximize equipment sales and customer satisfactions.

How you will do it:

  • To achieve Key Result Area (KRA) set.

  • To generate and submits accurate quotation, forecast on sales & collection on a regular basis and reports expenses in accordance with Company Policy.

  • To liaise with the customers on the secured projects to implement and carry out the scope of supply as stated in the purchase order and generate billing/invoice accordingly.

  • To build and maintain strong relationships with all customers by maintaining regular calls and visits. Make formal presentations to customers and the industries as required.

  • To maintain the existing customers base and develop new customers base from time to time in order to have a continuous business expansion.

  • To obtain an effective understanding of Hitachi products and offers, to produce and supply quotations to suit customer requirements.

  • To maintain constant field intelligence, feeds back pertinent information concerning competitors’ activities, products, prices, promotional programs and results as applied to Hitachi and competitive activities.

  • To liaise with sales / service administrator and finance department pertaining to the computerized system, timely collection of payments (Credit Officer) from customers, credit issues and maintaining good customer credit profile.

  • To update all customers on all Hitachi product information and offer.

  • To ensure establishment of credit facilities for new customer (if necessary) and collection.

  • To ensure accurate and timely response to all customers at all time.

  • To maintain close relationship with dealers, consultants, and end users.

What we look for:

  • Minimum Degree in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronic Engineering or equivalent.

  • At least 3 - 5 years of experience as Senior Sales in HVAC, pump, cooling tower, contractor, or medical devices (MRI/CT Scan).

  • Experience in selling product to contractor, consultant, or company’s owner, and in handling project.

  • Knowledge of Building HVAC, Fire Protection, Controls would be preferred.

  • Experience in Building industry would be preferred.

  • Basic understanding on SAP operations will be advantageous.

  • Personal qualities of the candidate: ambitious, good understanding in project, and good relationship with contractor, consultant, or company’s owner.


Hanya calon karyawan yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk melakukan tes lanjutan. Untuk itu jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi pelamar Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 Johnson Controls di atas, silahkan kirimkan lamaran Anda sebelum kadaluwarsa.

Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 Johnson Controls yang dapat kami sampaikan. Semoga info lowongan kerja hari ini membantu Anda sekalian yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Jika Info lowongan kerja di atas tidak sesuai dengan ijazah Anda, tidak ada salahnya untuk membaca informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di bawah ini. Akhir kata kami ucapkan kam sia sudah mengunjungi website ini, jangan lupa untuk membagikan informasi bermanfaat ini melalui facebook dan twitter. Selamat mencari kerja dan berkarya!

Jika sahabat berminat mengisi Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 Johnson Controls, segera siapkan berkas dan dokumen yang dibutuhkan untuk mendaftar Lowongan Kerja Sales Engineer Makassar Based Surabaya Maret 2025 Johnson Controls tersebut. Silakan klik tombol "Kirim Lamaran" di bawah ini.

  Perhatian :

Cariloker tidak memungut bayaran atau pungutan apapun kepada pencari kerja melalu website kami ini. Apabila ada perusahaan yang anda temukan meminta anda untuk membayarkan sejumlah uang, segera hubungi kami. Begitu pula Lowongan kerja di atas mungkin saja sudah tidak valid atau kadaluarsa atau ditutup pendaftarannya. Untuk itu selalu lakukan cross check terlebih dahulu pada perusahaan terkait untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya lowongan kerja. Cek lokasi perusahaan untuk membantu menemukan alamat perusahaan.

  Cek Lokasi

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