Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager InterContinental Terbaru di Jakarta

Info Loker Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager
Tanggal 5 Desember 2024
Perusahaan InterContinental
Kota Jakarta

Info Terbaru Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 di InterContinental. Salam Sejahtera bagi sobat yang sedang membutuhkan pekerjaan. Semoga tidak putus asa untuk mencari pekerjaan yang pas dengan keinginan Anda. Memang kadang mencari pekerjaan yang pas sangatlah tidak gampang di tahun 2025 ini. Pada kesempatan ini admin akan memberikan info Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 di InterContinental. Berikut ini informasi lebih lengkap mengenai Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 InterContinental.

Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 InterContinental

Berikut ini adalah kualifikasi yang harus Anda penuhi untuk mengisi Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 InterContinental yang dibuka pada 5 Desember 2024 ini:

Your day-to-day


  • Drive a great working environment for teams to thrive – linking up departments to create sense of one team
  • Direct everyday activity, plan and assign work ensuring you always have the right staffing numbers
  • Develop your team and improve their performance through coaching and feedback, and create performance and development goals for colleagues
  • Train colleagues to make sure they deliver with compliance and to the standards we expect
  • Recommend or initiate any HR related actions where needed
  • Interact with outside contacts: guests, vendors, and other contacts as needed


  • Complete forecasts, plans, and productivity reports and help prepare the departmental budget and financial plans
  • Monitor hotel spend and always look for opportunities to optimise sales whilst minimising waste
  • Negotiate sales prices within booking guidelines

Guest Experience

  • Ensure the whole client experience successful and memorable and act as the brand ambassador and key contact throughout their journey
  • Build long term relationship with planners and hosts to increase loyalty to the brand
  • At pre-event planning stage consult with meeting planners to optimise all elements of the meeting / event including space, meeting/break flow, menu and design etc. to improve meeting efficiency
  • Arrange agreed details of meeting / event e.g. room set-ups, staging, lighting
  • Conduct pre-event and post-event meetings with clients and catering colleagues to identify improvements to the guest experience
  • Meet with each meeting planner daily to debrief on daily events, review consumption, bill and any exceptions to contracted billing and review estimates of final billing
  • Welcome the group and conduct the 60’ meeting brief prior the start of the meeting / session
  • Enable high productivity whilst maximizing downtime
  • Relate to business needs and make sure team prioritizes the things that help our guests get their business done
  • Enable quality downtime by providing relevant recommendations that will help host and attendees recharge and relax throughout the day
  • Analyze and action against client satisfaction surveys to improve services
  • Conduct banquet and catering facility tours and entertain clients to enhance the guests’ meeting/banquet experience

Responsible Business

  • Raise the awareness and reputation of your hotel and the brand locally
  • Ensure guest safety is a priority with minimal interruptions or problems
  • Offer advice to clients to reduce waste, save energy and have a minimal impact to the environment
  • Other ad-hoc duties – unexpected moments when we have to pull together to get a task done

What we need from you

  • A confident communicator with strong interpersonal strong skills
  • Business language and tools acumen
  • Bachelor's Degree/higher education qualification/equivalent in hospitality or related field

• 3+ years total experience in a catering setting or related field • Direct supervisory experience over a sales/catering team, or an equivalent combination of education and work experience

  • Must speak local language(s)
  • Position may have additional qualifications per brand standards

How do I deliver this?

We genuinely care about people and we show this through living out our promise of True Hospitality each and every day. It’s what connects every colleague in all IHG® hotels.

Each IHG® hotel brand delivers True Hospitality in their own way, and at the heart of it all are specific, core service skills.

  • True Attitude: being caring, wanting to make a positive difference, and building genuine connections with guests
  • True Confidence: having the knowledge and skills to perform your role, and giving guests the confidence that they can trust you, to help and support them during their stay
  • True Listening: focusing on what your guest is saying, picking up on body language that is often overlooked, and understanding what the guest wants and needs
  • True Responsiveness: is about providing guests with what they need, and doing so in a timely and caring manner

Don't quite meet every single requirement, but still believe you'd be a great fit for the job? We'll never know unless you hit the 'Apply' button. Start your journey with us today.

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk melakukan interview. Untuk itu jika Anda berminat dan memenuhi pelamar Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 InterContinental di atas, silahkan kirimkan lamaran Anda sebelum lowongan ditutup.

Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 InterContinental yang dapat kami sampaikan. Semoga info lowongan kerja hari ini membantu Anda sekalian yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Jika Info lowongan kerja di atas tidak cocok dengan spesialisasi Anda, tidak ada salahnya untuk membaca informasi lowongan kerja lainnya di bawah ini. Akhir kata kami ucapkan terima kasih sudah mengunjungi website ini, jangan lupa untuk membagikan informasi bermanfaat ini melalui social media. Selamat mencari kerja dan berkarya!

Jika kamu tertarik melamar Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 InterContinental, segera siapkan persyaratan dan dokumen yang dipersyaratkan untuk mengisi Lowongan Kerja Catering Sales Manager Jakarta Maret 2025 InterContinental tersebut. Silakan klik tombol "Kirim Lamaran" di bawah ini.

  Perhatian :

Cariloker tidak memungut bayaran atau pungutan apapun kepada pencari kerja melalu website kami ini. Apabila ada perusahaan yang anda temukan meminta anda untuk membayarkan sejumlah uang, segera hubungi kami. Begitu pula Lowongan kerja di atas mungkin saja sudah tidak valid atau kadaluarsa atau ditutup pendaftarannya. Untuk itu selalu lakukan cross check terlebih dahulu pada perusahaan terkait untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya lowongan kerja. Cek lokasi perusahaan untuk membantu menemukan alamat perusahaan.

  Cek Lokasi

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